Spring 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016
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BUS-A 579 EXPERIMENTAL COURSE IN ACCTG (1.5 CR) VT: ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY 13904 PERM ARR ARR ARR Tiller M 30 13 0 ARR ARR ARR Tiller M ARR ARR ARR Tiller M Above class for BUS GAP students only Above class meets in Washington DC March 7-9 BUS-A 579 EXPERIMENTAL COURSE IN ACCTG (3 CR) VT: ADV FINANCIAL-PURSUIT OF ALPHA 15858 RSTR 09:30A-11:00A MW CG 2069 Yohn T 24 2 0 09:30A-11:00A MW CG 2069 Yohn T TOPIC : Adv Financial-Pursuit of Alpha Above class for BUS GAP students only VT: ADV FINANCIAL-PURSUIT OF ALPHA CLSD 15861 RSTR 11:15A-12:45P MW CG 2069 Yohn T 28 0 0 11:15A-12:45P MW CG 2069 Yohn T TOPIC : Adv Financial-Pursuit of Alpha Above class for BUS GAP students only