Fall 2015, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, January 21, 2016

Seats  Avail  Wait

              11784 RSTR     08:25A-09:15A   MW     HH 202    Sweeny K                 33    7    3
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 REQUIRED: Windows 7 or higher operating system running
                 Microsoft Office 2013 (free at HTTP://IUWARE.IU.EDU). Please see HTTP://TINYURL.COM/K201-LAPTOPS for minimum
                 specifications, directions, and details. Macintosh Operating
                 Systems and Macintosh Office NOT allowed. MAC hardware may be
                 used if running Windows 7 or higher either natively or in
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
               2691          10:10A-11:00A   MW     GR 102A   Walbridge S              40    5    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2689          02:30P-03:20P   MW     MN 001B   Walbridge S              40    4    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              11401          06:10P-07:00P   MW     HH 415    Abbott M                 29    3    0
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              31226          11:15A-12:05P   TR     GR 102A   Banks K                  40    4    0
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              31227          01:10P-02:00P   TR     HH 417    Jewell J                 34    2    0
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Lecture (LEC)
              *****          12:20P-01:10P   R      WB WEB    Moriarity B             216   25    6
                             12:20P-01:10P   R      HH 2075
                             12:20P-01:10P   R      HH 2075
                             12:20P-01:10P   R      HH 2075
                             12:20P-01:10P   R      HH 2075
                 K 201 : Lecture component of K201 will meet in person on
                 these specific dates: Aug 27, Oct 15, Nov 12, and Dec 10.  On
                 all other weeks at the scheduled lecture class time, students
                 will either meet through Adobe Connect via the internet or
                 meet with team members to work on a team project
               2675          08:25A-09:15A   MW     HH 415    Wang Y                   29    2    2 
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2676          09:05A-09:55A   MW     GR 102A   Walbridge S              40    2    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2681          02:55P-03:45P   MW     HH 417    Stone C                  34    3    0
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
         CLSD  2696          06:10P-07:00P   MW     HH 417    Thompson A               34    0    0
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              31228          11:00A-11:50A   TR     HH 417    Jewell J                 34    5    0
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2686 RSTR     11:15A-12:05P   TR     HH 100    Miller B                 33    1    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 REQUIRED: Windows 7 or higher operating system running
                 Microsoft Office 2013 (free at HTTP://IUWARE.IU.EDU). Please see HTTP://TINYURL.COM/K201-LAPTOPS for minimum
                 specifications, directions, and details. Macintosh Operating
                 Systems and Macintosh Office NOT allowed. MAC hardware may be
                 used if running Windows 7 or higher either natively or in
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
              31229          04:40P-05:30P   TR     MN 001B   Anderson J               40    5    0 
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Lecture (LEC)
              *****          01:25P-02:15P   R      WB WEB    Moriarity B             244   18    4
                             01:25P-02:15P   R      HH 2075
                             01:25P-02:15P   R      HH 2075
                             01:25P-02:15P   R      HH 2075
                             01:25P-02:15P   R      HH 2075
                 K 201 : Lecture component of K201 will meet in person on
                 these specific dates: Aug 27, Oct 15, Nov 12, and Dec 10.  On
                 all other weeks at the scheduled lecture class time, students
                 will either meet through Adobe Connect via the internet or
                 meet with team members to work on a team project
               2688          08:25A-09:15A   MW     HH 4079   Banks K                  30    1    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              11400          10:10A-11:00A   MW     MN 001B   Kinser A                 40    5    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2680          04:00P-04:50P   MW     HH 415    Abbott M                 29    4    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2697 RSTR     04:00P-04:50P   MW     HH 4030   Moriarity B              33    1    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 REQUIRED: Windows 7 or higher operating system running
                 Microsoft Office 2013 (free at HTTP://IUWARE.IU.EDU). Please see HTTP://TINYURL.COM/K201-LAPTOPS for minimum
                 specifications, directions, and details. Macintosh Operating
                 Systems and Macintosh Office NOT allowed. MAC hardware may be
                 used if running Windows 7 or higher either natively or in
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
               2694          05:45P-06:35P   MW     MN 001B   Brooks J                 40    2    0 
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              31231          12:05P-12:55P   TR     HH 417    Jewell J                 34    3    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              31232          03:35P-04:25P   TR     MN 001B   Miller B                 40    6    0
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Lecture (LEC)
              *****          02:30P-03:20P   R      WB WEB    Moriarity B             246   22    9
                             02:30P-03:20P   R      HH 2075
                             02:30P-03:20P   R      HH 2075
                             02:30P-03:20P   R      HH 2075
                             02:30P-03:20P   R      HH 2075
                 K 201 : Lecture component of K201 will meet in person on
                 these specific dates: Aug 27, Oct 15, Nov 12, and Dec 10.  On
                 all other weeks at the scheduled lecture class time, students
                 will either meet through Adobe Connect via the internet or
                 meet with team members to work on a team project
               2717 RSTR     09:05A-09:55A   MW     MN 001B   Kinser A                 40    4    3
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
               2683 RSTR     03:35P-04:25P   MW     MN 001B   Walbridge S              40    2    5
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
               2692 RSTR     05:05P-05:55P   MW     HH 415    Abbott M                 29    3    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
               2695 RSTR     06:10P-07:00P   MW     HH 4079   Sweeny A                 30    5    0 
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              11403          07:15P-08:05P   MW     HH 4079   Abbott M                 30    2    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              31234          08:25A-09:15A   TR     HH 415    Miller B                 29    4    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              31235 RSTR     11:15A-12:05P   TR     MN 001B   Sera G                   40    2    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
                 Lecture (LEC)
              *****          03:35P-04:25P   R      WB WEB    Jewell J                238   22   14
                             03:35P-04:25P   R      HH 2075
                             03:35P-04:25P   R      HH 2075
                             03:35P-04:25P   R      HH 2075
                             03:35P-04:25P   R      HH 2075
                 K 201 : Lecture component of K201 will meet in person on
                 these specific dates: Aug 27, Oct 15, Nov 12, and Dec 10.  On
                 all other weeks at the scheduled lecture class time, students
                 will either meet through Adobe Connect via the internet or
                 meet with team members to work on a team project
               7753          11:15A-12:05P   MW     MN 001B   Telthorst G              40    5    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2679          12:45P-01:35P   MW     HH 415    Moriarity B              29    1    3
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2700          02:55P-03:45P   MW     HH 415    Moriarity B              29    1    2 
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2684 RSTR     04:40P-05:30P   MW     MN 001B   Walbridge S              40    3    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
               2707 RSTR     10:10A-11:00A   TR     GR 102A   Banks K                  40    3    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
               2711 RSTR     01:25P-02:15P   TR     MN 001B   Miller B                 40    3    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
         CLSD  2713 RSTR     06:10P-07:00P   TR     HH 415    Decker M                 29    0    3
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Lecture (LEC)
              *****          09:05A-09:55A   F      WB WEB    Stone C                 247   16   12
                             09:05A-09:55A   F      HH 2075
                             09:05A-09:55A   F      HH 2075
                             09:05A-09:55A   F      HH 2075
                             09:05A-09:55A   F      HH 2075
                 K 201 : Lecture component of K201 will meet in person on
                 these specific dates: Aug 28, Oct 16, Nov 13, and Dec 11.  On
                 all other weeks at the scheduled lecture class time, students
                 will either meet through Adobe Connect via the internet or
                 meet with team members to work on a team project
               2682          12:20P-01:10P   MW     MN 001B   Telthorst G              40    7    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2704          01:25P-02:15P   MW     MN 001B   Telthorst G              40    6    0 
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2715          04:00P-04:50P   MW     HH 417    Hostetler K              34    1    3
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2699 RSTR     05:05P-05:55P   MW     HH 417    Hostetler K              34    2    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              31239 RSTR     04:00P-04:50P   TR     HH 415    Stone C                  29    1    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
              31240 RSTR     05:45P-06:35P   TR     MN 001B   Anderson J               40    2    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Lecture (LEC)
              *****          10:10A-11:00A   F      WB WEB    Stone C                 217   19    6
                             10:10A-11:00A   F      HH 2075
                             10:10A-11:00A   F      HH 2075
                             10:10A-11:00A   F      HH 2075
                             10:10A-11:00A   F      HH 2075
                 K 201 : Lecture component of K201 will meet in person on
                 these specific dates: Aug 28, Oct 16, Nov 13, and Dec 11.  On
                 all other weeks at the scheduled lecture class time, students
                 will either meet through Adobe Connect via the internet or
                 meet with team members to work on a team project
               2687          12:45P-01:35P   MW     HH 417    Banks K                  34    4    0
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2708          01:50P-02:40P   MW     HH 415    Moriarity B              29    3    0 
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
              11785          04:00P-04:50P   MW     HH 4079   Yu S                     30    4    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2685          09:05A-09:55A   TR     GR 102A   Banks K                  40    5    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2702 RSTR     02:30P-03:20P   TR     HH 100    Stone C                  33    3    3
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 REQUIRED: Windows 7 or higher operating system running
                 Microsoft Office 2013 (free at HTTP://IUWARE.IU.EDU). Please see HTTP://TINYURL.COM/K201-LAPTOPS for minimum
                 specifications, directions, and details. Macintosh Operating
                 Systems and Macintosh Office NOT allowed. MAC hardware may be
                 used if running Windows 7 or higher either natively or in
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
               2703          02:30P-03:20P   TR     MN 001B   Miller B                 40    4    0
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Lecture (LEC)
              *****          11:15A-12:05P   F      WB WEB    Jewell J                206   23    5
                             11:15A-12:05P   F      HH 2075
                             11:15A-12:05P   F      HH 2075
                             11:15A-12:05P   F      HH 2075
                             11:15A-12:05P   F      HH 2075
                 K 201 : Lecture component of K201 will meet in person on
                 these specific dates: Aug 28, Oct 16, Nov 13, and Dec 11.  On
                 all other weeks at the scheduled lecture class time, students
                 will either meet through Adobe Connect via the internet or
                 meet with team members to work on a team project
               2710 RSTR     08:00A-08:50A   MW     MN 001B   Kinser A                 40    4    0 
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2701 RSTR     01:50P-02:40P   MW     HH 417    Stone C                  34    2    0
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
               2716 RSTR     05:05P-05:55P   MW     HH 4079   Sweeny A                 30    1    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
               2678 RSTR     08:25A-09:15A   TR     HH 202    Jewell J                 33    4    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 REQUIRED: Windows 7 or higher operating system running
                 Microsoft Office 2013 (free at HTTP://IUWARE.IU.EDU). Please see HTTP://TINYURL.COM/K201-LAPTOPS for minimum
                 specifications, directions, and details. Macintosh Operating
                 Systems and Macintosh Office NOT allowed. MAC hardware may be
                 used if running Windows 7 or higher either natively or in
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
         CLSD  2714 RSTR     12:20P-01:10P   TR     MN 001B   Sera G                   40    0    2
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Above class for Kelley School Direct Admit students only
              11404 RSTR     05:05P-05:55P   TR     HH 415    Decker M                 29    4    1
                 K 201 : Students must be able to take two weekend exams.  The
                 exams are to be scheduled on a Friday after 4pm or Saturday
                 anytime between the hours of 8am and 11pm.  Request for a
                 specific time slot will not be accepted.  First practical
                 exam scheduled for Friday October 16, or Saturday October 17;
                 second practical exam schedule for Friday, December 11, or
                 Saturday December 12.  Students must also enroll for BUS-K201
                 Lecture.  This course is not eligible for eADD.
                 K 201 : Students must also enroll for BUS-K 201 lecture
                 Lecture (LEC)
              *****          12:20P-01:10P   F      WB WEB    Jewell J                206   15    5
                             12:20P-01:10P   F      HH 2075
                             12:20P-01:10P   F      HH 2075 
                             12:20P-01:10P   F      HH 2075
                             12:20P-01:10P   F      HH 2075
                 K 201 : Lecture component of K201 will meet in person on
                 these specific dates: Aug 28, Oct 16, Nov 13, and Dec 11.  On
                 all other weeks at the scheduled lecture class time, students
                 will either meet through Adobe Connect via the internet or
                 meet with team members to work on a team project