Summer 2015, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, September 23, 2015
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SPEA-E 482 OVERSEAS TOPICS IN ENV SC (3 CR) VT: ENVIRONMENTAL MGT - VIETNAM 15285 PERM NS2 ARR ARR ARR Meretsky V 25 13 0 Stevens A TOPIC : Environmental Policy and Management in Vietnam: Inquiries into Sustainability Above class is part of the Study Abroad Program - - SGC in Vietnam Above class requires permission of Department Above class meets June 25 - July 18 Above class meets with SPEA-V 482 VT: ENVIRONMENTAL MGT - S AFRICA 8867 PERM NS1 ARR ARR ARR Wadzinski L 30 22 0 Stevens A TOPIC : A Case Study in Environmental Management Above class is part of the Study Abroad Program - SPEA in South Africa Above class meets May 31 - June 13 Above class meets with SPEA-E 582, V 482, and V 582