Summer 2015, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Seats Avail Wait
FOLK-F 850 THESIS/PROJECT/DISSERTATION (1-12 CR) 5887 1 ARR ARR ARR Goldstein D 30 23 0 Above class for 'in-Bloomington' students only 3937 PERM 1 ARR ARR ARR Goldstein D 30 27 0 Above class for students not living in the Bloomington area. F 850 : Contact for authorization 7500 6W2 ARR ARR ARR Goldstein D 25 19 0 Above class for students living in the Bloomington area 7501 PERM 6W2 ARR ARR ARR Goldstein D 25 25 0 Above class for students not living in the Bloomington area. F 850: Contact for authorization