Summer 2015, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Seats Avail Wait
INFO-I 391 INTERN INFO PROFESSIONAL PRACT (1-3 CR) 6941 PERM 1 ARR ARR ARR Hottell M 20 20 0 Above class requires permission of Department Above class graded on S/F basis only 7187 PERM 1 ARR ARR ARR Hottell M 40 24 0 Above class requires permission of Department Above class is a Service Learning Course Above class for students engaged in the ServeIT Clinic 6942 PERM 1 ARR ARR ARR Hottell M 20 17 0 Above class requires permission of Department Above class graded on S/F basis only Above class for students not in residence on the Bloomington campus