Spring 2015, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Monday, June 15, 2015
Seats Avail Wait
BUS-S 310 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS & PROJECT MGT (3 CR) 16790 09:30A-10:45A MW HH 4026 Lopes A 40 18 0 BUS-S310:P : I-Core; [(BUS-F370, BUS-P370, BUS- M370, BUS-J370, & BUS-I370) or (BUS-F304, BUS- P304, BUS-M304, BUS-J304 & BUS-I304) or (BUS-F370, BUS-P370, BUS-M370, BUS-Z370 & BUS-T375) or BUS-BE370 or BUS-BE304 or BUS-BE375] and (BUS-X201 or BUS-X202 or BUS-K303 or BUS-K304) and BUS-S302, all with grades of C or better. Juniors or Seniors completing the Information & Process Management Major or Technology Management Co-Major who do not meet the above pre-req should complete a course request form here: HTTPS://APPS.KELLEY.IU.EDU/UGRAD/STUDENT/COURSEPERMISSION/ A> Above class meets with BUS-S 535, class # 34331