Fall 2014, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Seats  Avail  Wait

        Above class requires application for authorization due March 26 at
        noon.  Applications available at:  HTTP://TINYURL.COM/MNH5YLJ
              16599 PERM     09:00A-12:00P   MW     TV 127    Walsh J                  16    8    0
                 TOPIC : Advanced Cinematography
                 T 436 : P - TEL-T 206 and either TEL-T 283 or TEL-T 284, and
                 two 300-level production courses, all with a grade of C- or
                 higher, or consent of instructor
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page
        Above class requires application for authorization due March 26 at
        noon. Applications available at:  HTTP://TINYURL.COM/MNH5YLJ
              17415 PERM     06:00P-10:00P   M      TV 127    Throckmorton J           16    4    0
                 TOPIC : IU Fall Sports
                 T 436 : P - TEL-T 206 and either TEL-T 283 or TEL-T 284, and
                 two 300-level production courses, all with a grade of C- or
                 higher, or consent of instructor
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page
              33695 PERM     09:00A-12:00P   T      TV 180    Benson R                 60   27    0
                                                              Kelly S
                             09:00A-12:00P   F      TV 127    Kelly S
                                                              Benson R
                 TOPIC : Transmedia Storytelling 
                 T 436 : P - TEL-T 206 and either TEL-T 283 or TEL-T 284, and
                 two 300-level production courses, all with a grade of C- or
                 higher, or consent of instructor
                 Above class requires application for authorization due March
                 26 at noon.  Applications available at: HTTP://TINYURL.COM/MNH5YLJ
                 Above section meets with TEL-T 540 (33696)
                 Part 1 of a planned yearlong 2-course sequence -- Part 2 in
                 Spring 2015
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page