Fall 2014, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Seats Avail Wait
BUS-F 307 WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT (3 CR) 6901 02:30P-03:45P M HH 2006 Masson D 60 5 2 ARR ARR WB WEB Masson D F 307 : P - F 370 or F 304 or BE 370 or BE 304 with a grade of C or better 6902 02:30P-03:45P W HH 2006 Masson D 60 7 2 ARR ARR WB WEB Masson D F 307 : P - F 370 or F 304 or BE 370 or BE 304 with a grade of C or better 15891 04:00P-05:15P TR HH 4030 Binder P 58 3 1 F 307 : P - F 370 or F 304 or BE 370 or BE 304 with a grade of C or better