Fall 2014, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Seats  Avail  Wait

              ***** RSTR     10:10A-11:50A   M      WH 111    Carter G                 65   11    0
                                                              Reising D
                             11:00A-12:00P   F      WH 004    Reising D
                 H 356: Class open to Nursing students only
                 Laboratory (LAB)
         CLSD 31513 RSTR     04:00P-06:00P   M      HD TBA    McNiskin E                9    0    0
                             07:00A-08:00P   T      HD TBA    McNiskin E
                 H 356 : Clinical is scheduled from 7:00am-8:00pm
                 H 356 : Keep 4:00pm-6:00pm open for prep time the day before
                 your clinical assignment.
                 H 356 : More detailed information about your specific
                 schedule will be provided by faculty near the start of the
                 Fall, 2014 semester.
              31514 RSTR     04:00P-06:00P   M      HD TBA    Herrera M                10    1    0
                             07:00A-08:00P   T      HD TBA    Herrera M
                 H 356 : Clinical is scheduled from 7:00am-8:00pm
                 H 356 : Keep 4:00pm-6:00pm open for prep time the day before
                 your clinical assignment.
                 H 356 : More detailed information about your specific
                 schedule will be provided by faculty near the start of the
                 Fall, 2014 semester.
         CLSD 31515 RSTR     04:00P-06:00P   T      HD TBA    Hensley D                 9    0    0
                             07:00A-08:00P   W      HD TBA    Hensley D
                 H 356 : Clinical is scheduled from 7:00am-8:00pm
                 H 356 : Keep 4:00pm-6:00pm open for prep time the day before
                 your clinical assignment.
                 H 356 : More detailed information about your specific
                 schedule will be provided by faculty near the start of the
                 Fall, 2014 semester.
         CLSD 31516 RSTR     04:00P-06:00P   T      HD TBA    Barnes R                  9    0    0
                             07:00A-08:00P   W      HD TBA    Barnes R
                 H 356 : Clinical is scheduled from 7:00am-8:00pm
                 H 356 : Keep 4:00pm-6:00pm open for prep time the day before
                 your clinical assignment.
                 H 356 : More detailed information about your specific
                 schedule will be provided by faculty near the start of the
                 Fall, 2014 semester.
              31517 RSTR     04:00P-06:00P   W      HD TBA    Allen M                  10    1    0
                             07:00A-08:00P   R      HD TBA    Allen M
                 H 356 : Clinical is scheduled from 7:00am-8:00pm
                 H 356 : Keep 4:00pm-6:00pm open for prep time the day before
                 your clinical assignment. 
                 H 356 : More detailed information about your specific
                 schedule will be provided by faculty near the start of the
                 Fall, 2014 semester.
              31518 RSTR     04:00P-06:00P   W      HD TBA    Haley B                  10    1    0
                             07:00A-08:00P   R      HD TBA    Haley B
                 H 356 : Clinical is scheduled from 7:00am-8:00pm
                 H 356 : Keep 4:00pm-6:00pm open for prep time the day before
                 your clinical assignment.
                 H 356 : More detailed information about your specific
                 schedule will be provided by faculty near the start of the
                 Fall, 2014 semester.