Fall 2014, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Seats  Avail  Wait

        Above class is part of the "Transfer Indiana" (transferIN) Initiative.
         For additional information, link to HTTP://WWW.TRANSFERIN.NET
               8475 RSTR     08:00A-08:50A   MWF    JH A107   Tindira J                22    4    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               8476 RSTR     09:05A-09:55A   MWF    BH 345    Tindira J                22    2    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               8478 RSTR     10:10A-11:00A   MWF    BH 147    Frimu R                  22    4    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               8477 RSTR     11:15A-12:05P   MWF    BH 149    Demsey L                 22    4    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               8480 RSTR     12:20P-01:10P   MWF    SY 210    Kanko C                  22    7    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               8481 RSTR     01:25P-02:15P   MWF    BH 149    Frimu R                  22    3    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               8483 RSTR     02:30P-03:20P   MWF    BH 345    Demsey L                 22    3    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               8484 RSTR     02:30P-03:20P   MWF    BH 245    Uzzell R                 22    3    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               8482 RSTR     04:40P-05:30P   MWF    BH 314    Uzzell R                 22   10    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               8485 RSTR     07:15P-08:30P   MW     BH 237    Owen J                   22    9    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               8486 RSTR     07:15P-08:30P   TR     BH 231    Owen J                   22   13    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
        FRIT-F 200  SEC YR FRENCH I: LANG & CULTR (3 CR)
              16437 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Reid J                  200  189    0
                 Above class open to Advance College Project students only
                 Above class taught at North Central High School
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page
              16761 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Tiller E                200  189    0
                 Above class open to Advance College Project students only
                 Above class taught at Edgewood High School
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page
              16765 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Saidah R                200  198    0
                 Above class open to Advance College Project students only
                 Above class taught at Cardinal Ritter High School
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page
              34531 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Cline L                 200  175    0
                 Above class open to Advance College Project students only
                 Above class taught at Danville High School
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page