Fall 2014, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Seats  Avail  Wait

              *****          01:00P-02:15P   M      BH 310    Camp M                  113   18    0
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S 201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10 
                 Enrollment in above class also requires enrollment in
                 discussion section
                 E370: No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 Students who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page
              *****          02:30P-03:45P   M      BH 310    Camp M                  113   12    0
                 E370 : No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S 370 class
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S 201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Above class students who have not fulfilled the prerequisites
                 will not be able to register
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10.
                 Above class students must enroll in discussion section
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page
              *****          01:00P-02:15P   W      BH 310    Camp M                  113   34    0
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S 201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29th and Nov 10
                 Enrollment in above class also requires enrollment in
                 discussion section
                 E370: No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 Students who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page
              *****          02:30P-03:45P   W      BH 310    Camp M                  113   70    2
                 E370 : No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S 370 class
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S 201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Above class students who have not fulfilled the prerequisites
                 will not be able to register
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10.
                 Above class students must enroll in discussion section
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page
                 Recitation (RCT)
               7678          04:00P-05:15P   W      LI 503    He S                     45    4    1
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S 201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Student who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register
                 E370: No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10
                 Students must also enroll in lecture
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7679          05:45P-07:00P   W      LI 503    He S                     45   10    0
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S 201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Students who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register
                 E370: No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10
                 Students must also enroll in lecture
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7680          11:15A-12:30P   R      BH 217    Choi B                   45    5    1 
                 Above class requires students to bring a laptop computer to
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S 201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Students who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register
                 No alternative final exam options will be considered for any
                 ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 Students must also enroll in lecture
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7681          02:30P-03:45P   R      BH 217    Choi B                   45    9    2
                 Above class requires students to bring a laptop computer to
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S 201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Students who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register
                 E370: No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 Evening exams required.  Dates TBD
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 Students must also enroll in lecture
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7682          04:00P-05:15P   R      BH 217    Zhang W                  45   12    0
                 Above class requires students to bring a laptop computer to
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S 201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Students who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register.
                 E370: No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 Students must also enroll in lecture
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7683          05:45P-07:00P   R      BH 217    Zhang W                  45   11    0
                 Above class requires students to bring a laptop computer to
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Students who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register
                 E370: No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10.
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 Students must also enroll in lecture
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
              18520          09:30A-10:45A   F      LI 402    Park K                   45   31    0
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Students who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register
                 E370: No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10.
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 Students must also enroll in lecture
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
              18521          11:15A-12:30P   F      LI 402    Park K                   45   10    0
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Students who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register
                 E370: No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10 
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 Students must also enroll in lecture
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
              18519          01:00P-02:15P   F      LI 402    Cao Y                    45   23    0
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S 201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Student who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register
                 E370: No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10.
                 Students must also enroll in lecture
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7685          02:30P-03:45P   F      LI 402    Cao Y                    45   17    0
                 E 370 : P - ECON-E 201 or S 201 and (MATH-M 118 or MATH-A 118
                 or MATH-X 118 or MATH-D 117 or MATH-S 118); recommended , but
                 not required - ECON-E 202 and MATH-M 119
                 Students who do not meet prerequisites will not be permitted
                 to register
                 E370: No alternative final exam options will be considered
                 for any ECON-E 370 or S370 class
                 Evening exams required on Sept 29 and Nov 10
                 ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 Students must also enroll in lecture
                 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit