Summer 2014, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, September 18, 2014
Seats Avail Wait
TEL-T 540 SPEC PROJ IN TELECOMMUNICATNS (1-3 CR) 9625 PERM 6W2 ARR ARR ARR Sawhney H 10 9 0 TOPIC : Independent Study T 540 : P - Advanced approval by project supervisor and director of graduate studies. Application available from department. Obtain on-line authorization for above class from Department 9626 PERM 6W1 ARR ARR ARR Sawhney H 10 10 0 TOPIC : Independent Study T 540 : P - Advanced approval by project supervisor and director of graduate studies. Application available from department Obtain on-line authorization for above class from Department 13964 PERM 1 ARR ARR ARR Sawhney H 5 5 0 TOPIC : Independent Study T 540 : P - Advance approval by project supervisor and director of graduate studies Obtain on-line authorization for above class from Department TEL-T 540 SPEC PROJ IN TELECOMMUNICATNS (3 CR) 16997 PERM 6W2 ARR ARR ARR Sawhney H 5 4 0 TOPIC : Independent Study T 540 : P - Advanced approval by project supervisor and director of graduate studies. Application available from department Obtain on-line authorization for above class from Department