Summer 2014, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, September 18, 2014
Seats Avail Wait
MUS-F 419 ORCH REPERTOIRE/UNDRGRAD (1 CR) VT: BRASS ORCHESTRAL REPERTOIRE 9060 PERM NS1 ARR ARR ARR Lenthe C 17 17 0 Above class requires permission of instructor Above class meets with MUS-F 519 Above class meets with June 9-July 18 VT: TROMBONE ORCHESTRAL REPERTOIRE 9061 PERM NS1 ARR ARR ARR Lenthe C 4 4 0 Above class requires permission of instructor Above class meets with MUS-F 519 Above class meets June 9-July 18 VT: TROMBONE ORCHESTRAL REP 9062 PERM NS1 ARR ARR ARR Stewart M 5 5 0 Above class requires permission of instructor Above class meets with MUS-F 519 Above class meets June 9-July 18 VT: BASS ORCHESTRAL REPERTOIRE 9063 PERM NS1 ARR ARR ARR 5 5 0 Above class requires permission of instructor Above class meets with MUS-F 519 Above class meets with June 9-July 18 VT: TRUMPET ORCHESTRAL REPERTOIRE 10627 PERM NS1 ARR ARR ARR Cord E 5 5 0 Above class requires permission of instructor Above class meets with MUS-F 519 Above class meets June 9-July 18