Fall 2013, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, January 23, 2014
Seats Avail Wait
TEL-T 330 PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT (3 CR) 6880 08:00A-09:15A TR TV 245 Krahnke S 46 5 0 T 330 : P - TEL-T 206 and TEL-T 283, both with a grade of C- or higher, or consent of instructor Laboratory (LAB) 6882 10:10A-11:00A F FA 137 Krahnke S 23 3 0 T 330 : P - TEL-T 206 and TEL-T 283, both with a grade of C- or higher, or consent of instructor 6883 11:15A-12:05P F FA 137 Krahnke S 23 2 0 T 330 : P - TEL-T 206 and TEL-T 283, both with a grade of C- or higher, or consent of instructor