Fall 2013, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, January 23, 2014

Seats  Avail  Wait

        Above class is part of the "Transfer Indiana" (transferIN) Initiative.
         For additional information, link to HTTP://WWW.TRANSFERIN.NET
               5175          09:05A-09:55A   MW     BH 109    Barbour D               120   14    0
                             07:15P-09:15P   W      TV 251    Barbour D
                 Y 103 : Optional films shown on Wed from 7:15-9:15p
                 Hutton Honors College students wishing to take this course
                 for honors credit should enroll in discussion section 13080
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
               5176          12:20P-01:10P   MW     WH 100    Barbour D               200   13    4
                 Y 103 : Optional films shown on Wed from 7:15-9:15p
                 Hutton Honors College students wishing to take this course
                 for honors credit should enroll in discussion section 13080
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 Discussion (DIS)
              13080 RSTR     03:35P-04:25P   T      WH 119    Barbour D                20    2    2
                 Above class open to Hutton Honors College students only
                 A portion of this class reserved for incoming Hutton Honors
                 College students participating in the University Division
                 Orientation Program
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7069          03:35P-04:25P   W      BH 247    Barbour D                30    1    0
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7070 RSTR     03:35P-04:25P   W      BH 214    Barbour D                30    5    0
                 A portion of this class reserved for University Division
                 Orientation Program students
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7071 RSTR     04:40P-05:30P   W      BH 214    Barbour D                30    3    1
                 Above class primarily for Forest, Read, Willkie residents
                 Above class reserved for University Division Orientation
                 Program students only
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7072          04:40P-05:30P   W      BH 247    Barbour D                30    1    0
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
         CLSD  7073          03:35P-04:25P   R      BH 247    Barbour D                30    0    1
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7076          04:00P-04:50P   R      RE 2-120B Barbour D                30    1    0
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7075          04:40P-05:30P   R      BH 247    Barbour D                30    1    1
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7074 RSTR     05:00P-05:50P   R      RE 2-120B Barbour D                30    6    1
                 A portion of this class reserved for University Division
                 Orientation Program students
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7077          09:05A-09:55A   F      RA B109   Barbour D                30    2    0
                 Above class primarily for Briscoe, Foster, McNutt residents
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
               7078 RSTR     10:10A-11:00A   F      RA B109   Barbour D                30    5    0
                 Above class primarily for Briscoe, Foster, McNutt residents
                 A portion of this class reserved for University Division
                 Orientation Program students
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
              10443 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Tempest B               200  192    0
                 Above class open to Advance College Project students only
                 Above class taught at Southport High School
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
              11203 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Gastineau G             200   68    0
                 Above class open to Advance College Project students only
                 Above class taught at Hamilton Southeastern High School
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
              12184 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Vermilion C             200  164    0
                 Above class open to Advance College Project students only
                 Above class taught at North Central High School
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
              12185 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Buntin M                200  117    0
                 Above class open to Advance College Project students only
                 Above class taught at Columbus East High School
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
              12186 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Vickrey A               200  177    0
                 Above class open to Advance College Project students only
                 Above class taught at North Central High School
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
              12187 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Paternoster E           200  191    0
                 Above class open to Advance College Project students only
                 Above class taught at Fishers High School
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
              12188 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Wiggins A               200  162    0
                 Above class open to Advance College Project students only
                 Above class taught at North Central High School
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
                 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit