Fall 2013, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, January 23, 2014
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MATH-T 101 MATH FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS 1 (3 CR) 3926 09:30A-10:45A TR AC C002 Gerber M 24 3 0 T 101 : P - Completion of one of the following: MATH-X 018, M 018, M 014, M 025, M 118, M 119, M 211, D 116, or D 117 6152 11:15A-12:30P TR AC C002 Kavousian S 24 4 0 Sevis S T 101 : P - Completion of one of the following: MATH-X 018, M 018, M 014, M 025, M 118, M 119, M 211, D 116, or D 117 Above class meets with another MATH-T 101 31040 11:15A-12:30P TR AC C002 Kavousian S 24 2 0 Sevis S Above class meets with another MATH-T 101