Course Listing: SPEC TOP IN KINES
Fall 2013, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, January 23, 2014
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SPH-K 550 SPEC TOP IN KINES (TITLE) (1-3 CR) VT: ADV THRY OF COACHNG BASKETBALL ***** 08:00A-08:50A TR AS 056 Grossman J 15 15 0 K 550 P - Major in Kinesiology required Above class meets in Basketball Press Room, lab section meets in Assembly Hall Above class students admitted by permission of instructor Above class students must register for lab section below Laboratory (LAB) 31660 ARR ARR ARR Grossman J 15 15 0 Above class meets in Assembly Hall SPH-K 550 SPEC TOP IN KINES (TITLE) (3 CR) VT: FITNESS MARKETING & MANAGEMENT 31661 02:30P-03:45P MW PH 019 Williams A 30 23 0 TOPIC : Fitness Marketing and Management VT: LAB RESEARCH IN ERGONOMICS 31662 01:30P-02:45P MW WM 195 Shea J 10 10 0 TOPIC : Lab Research in Ergonomics SPH-K 550 SPEC TOP IN KINES (TITLE) (1-3 CR) VT: UNDERWATER SCIENCE RESEARCH 31663 PERM ARR ARR ARR Beeker C 6 6 0 TOPIC : Underwater Science Research Above class requires permission of instructor SPH-K 550 SPEC TOP IN KINES (TITLE) (3 CR) VT: RESRCH/DATA ANALYSIS IN SPORT 31664 07:15P-09:45P W PH 012 Lim C 30 17 0 TOPIC : Research and Data Analysis VT: FITNESS ADMINISTRATION 31665 04:00P-05:15P TR AC C103 Kennedy-Armbruster C 5 4 0 TOPIC : Fitness Administration