Course Listing: SAILING

Fall 2013, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, January 23, 2014

Seats  Avail  Wait

	SPH-I 164  SAILING (2 CR)
              *****          01:25P-02:15P   M      SY 212    Kessler R                24    2    0
                 Above class students responsible for transportation to Lake
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page
                 Above class meets first eight weeks only
                 Laboratory (LAB)
              31657          02:00P-04:30P   T      HD TBA    Tate P                    8    1    0
                 Above class meets first eight weeks only
         CLSD 31658          02:00P-04:30P   W      HD TBA    Tate P                    8    0    0
                 Above class meets first eight weeks only
              31656          02:00P-04:30P   R      HD TBA    Tate P                    8    1    0
                 Above class meets first eight weeks only