Fall 2013, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, January 23, 2014
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PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3 CR) VT: STEREOTYPING AND PREJUDICE 33379 09:30A-10:45A TR PY 115 Krendl A 20 2 0 TOPIC : Stereotyping and Prejudice P 457: P - PSY-P 155 or P 102 or P 152 or P 304 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule VT: REAL WORLD PROGRAM EVALUATION 33837 12:20P-01:10P MWF PY 137C Holtzworth-Munroe A 15 6 0 TOPIC : Real World Program Evaluation: Service Learning P 457 : P - PSY-P 211 and PSY-K 300 or PSY-P 211 and PSY-K 310 Above class is a Service Learning Course ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (2 CR) VT: VOLUNTEERS IN MED FIELD EXP 11256 PERM ARR ARR ARR Sinex L 10 5 0 Patton C TOPIC : Volunteers in Medicine Field Experience Above class for permission to enroll, contact or Above class is not an Advanced Psychology class for purposes of fulfilling major requirements. Above class does not fulfill any Psychology major requirements. Above class students may be required to participate in on-site training, undergo TB or similar test, and/or consent to a background check. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the clinic. VT: MILESTONES FIELD EXPERIENCE CLSD 12297 PERM ARR ARR ARR Patton C 15 0 0 Above class requires permission of instructor. Please email for instructions. P 457 : Not an Advanced Psychology class for purposes of fulfilling major requirements. Above class does not fulfill any Psychology major requirements. P 457 : Students may be required to participate in on-site training, undergo TB or similar test, and/or consent to a background check. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the field experience site. VT: CENTERSTONE FIELD EXPERIENCE 14052 PERM ARR ARR ARR Patton C 5 1 0 P 457 : For permission to enroll you must complete the application that will be distributed via email to all psychology and neuroscience majors during the first week of classes. Email for more information. P 457 : Not an Advanced Psychology class for purposes of fulfilling major requirements. Above class is an elective for psychology majors, it does not fulfill any requirements for the Psychology major. P 457 : Students may be required to participate in on-site training, undergo TB or similar test, and/or consent to background checks. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the clinic. VT: IU BEH HEALTH FIELD EXPERIENCE 14068 PERM ARR ARR ARR Patton C 5 4 0 P 457 : For permission to enroll you must complete the application that will be distributed via email to all psychology and neuroscience majors during the first week of classes. Email for more information. P 457 : Not an Advanced Psychology class for purposes of fulfilling major requirements. Above class is an elective for psychology majors, it does not fulfill any requirements for the Psychology major. P 457 : Students may be required to participate in on-site training, undergo TB or similar test, and/or consent to background checks. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the clinic. VT: COLLEGE INTERNSHIP PRG FLD EXP 14085 PERM ARR ARR ARR Patton C 5 3 0 TOPIC : College Internship Program Field Experience P 457 : For permission to enroll, you must complete the 5 application that will be distributed via email to all psychology and neuroscience majors during the first week of classes. Email for more information. P 457 : Not an Advanced Psychology class for purposes of fulfilling major requirements. Above class is an elective for psychology majors, it does not fulfill any requirements for the Psychology major. P 457 : Students may be required to participate in on-site training, undergo TB or similar test, and/or consent to background checks. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the clinic. PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3 CR) VT: THE CONNECTED BRAIN CLSD 29869 04:00P-05:15P TR PY 113 Sporns O 23 0 4 TOPIC : The Connected Brain P 457: P - PSY-P 346 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule VT: DEV INTRV INFANCY/EARLY CHLDHD CLSD 29870 PERM 12:30P-01:10P MW PY 113 Sinex L 10 0 0 ARR F HD TBA Sinex L TOPIC : Developmental Interventions in Infancy and Early Childhood P 457 : P - PSY-P 101 and P 102, or P 155, or P 106; and P 315 Above class for permission to enroll, contact Above class students may be required to participate in on-site training, undergo TB or similar test, and/or consent to a background check. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from Head Start. Above class is a Service Learning Course PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (2 CR) VT: MEADOWS HOSPITAL FIELD EXP 32625 PERM ARR ARR ARR Patton C 15 11 0 P 457 : For permission to enroll you must complete the application that will be distributed via email to all psychology and neuroscience majors during the first week of classes. Email for more information. P 457 : Not an Advanced Psychology class for purposes of fulfilling major requirements. Above class is an elective for psychology majors, it does not fulfill any requirements for the Psychology major. P 457 : Students may be required to participate in on-site training, undergo TB or similar test, and/or consent to background checks. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the clinic. PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3 CR) VT: COGNITIVE PSYCH OF POP MEDIA CLSD 34292 12:20P-02:15P MWF PY 286 DeLong J 25 0 0 TOPIC : Cognitive Psychology of Popular Media P 457 : P - PSY-P 335 or consent of instructor Above class meets second eight weeks only VT: DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE 35005 04:00P-06:30P T PY 128 Jayaraman S 30 14 0 TOPIC : Developmental Neuroscience P 457 : PSY-P 315 or P 346 or P 335 or by permission of instructor ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule