Fall 2013, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, January 23, 2014
Seats Avail Wait
AAAD-A 495 INDIV READ IN AFR AMER STUDIES (3 CR) VT: READINGS IN AFRO-AMER FICTION 6221 PERM ARR ARR ARR Grim V 3 3 0 Above class P - Junior standing Above class - see academic advisor for authorization, Memorial Hall E M21, (812) 855-6270 Above class - students must have a 2.7 cum GPA or above to enroll VT: RDGS IN AFRO-AM FILM STUDIES 6222 PERM ARR ARR ARR Grim V 3 3 0 Above class P - Junior standing Above class - see academic advisor for authorization, Memorial Hall E M21, (812) 855-6270 Above class - students must have a 2.7 cum GPA or above to enroll VT: READINGS IN AFRO-AMER FOLKLORE 6223 PERM ARR ARR ARR Grim V 3 3 0 Above class P - Junior standing Above class - see academic advisor for authorization, Memorial Hall E M21, (812) 855-6270 Above class - students must have a 2.7 cum GPA or above to enroll VT: READINGS IN AFRO-AMER HISTORY 6224 PERM ARR ARR ARR Grim V 3 1 0 Above class P - Junior standing Above class - see academic advisor for authorization, Memorial Hall E M21, (812) 855-6270 Above class - students must have a 2.7 cum GPA or above to enroll VT: RDGS IN AFRO-AM NON-FICTION 6225 PERM ARR ARR ARR Grim V 3 3 0 Above class P - Junior standing Above class - see academic advisor for authorization, Memorial Hall E M21, (812) 855-6270 Above class - students must have a 2.7 cum GPA or above to enroll VT: READINGS IN AFRO-AMER POETRY 6226 PERM ARR ARR ARR Grim V 3 3 0 Above class P - Junior standing Above class - see academic advisor for authorization, Memorial Hall E M21, (812) 855-6270 Above class - students must have a 2.7 cum GPA or above to enroll VT: RDGS IN AFRO-AM SACRED MUSIC 6227 PERM ARR ARR ARR Grim V 3 3 0 Above class P - Junior standing Above class - see academic advisor for authorization, Memorial Hall E M21, (812) 855-6270 Above class - students must have a 2.7 cum GPA or above to enroll VT: READNGS IN AFRO-AM SECULAR MUS 6228 PERM ARR ARR ARR Grim V 3 3 0 Above class P - Junior standing Above class - see academic advisor for authorization, Memorial Hall E M21, (812) 855-6270 Above class - students must have a 2.7 cum GPA or above to enroll VT: READNGS IN AFRO-AM SOCIAL ISS 6229 PERM ARR ARR ARR Grim V 3 3 0 Above class P - Junior standing Above class - see academic advisor for authorization, Memorial Hall E M21, (812) 855-6270 Above class - students must have a 2.7 cum GPA or above to enroll VT: READNGS AFRO-AM THTR & DRAMA 6230 PERM ARR ARR ARR Grim V 3 3 0 Above class P - Junior standing Above class - see academic advisor for authorization, Memorial Hall E M21, (812) 855-6270 Above class - students must have a 2.7 cum GPA or above to enroll