Course Listing: TECHNOLOGY
Summer 2013, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, October 10, 2013
Seats Avail Wait
BUS-X 201 TECHNOLOGY (3 CR) 8332 6W1 12:40P-02:30P MTWR BH 308 Johnson K 28 2 0 X 201 : P - BUS-K 201 or BUS-K 204 with a grade of C or better 8333 6W1 03:00P-04:50P MTWR BH 308 Kinser J 30 5 1 X 201 : P - BUS-K 201 or BUS-K 204 with a grade of C or better BUS-X 201 TECHNOLOGY (3 CR) 8338 6W2 12:40P-02:30P MTWR BH 308 Perry A 30 8 0 X 201 : P - BUS-K 201 or BUS-K 204 with a grade of C or better