Indiana University Bloomington


Fall 2012, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Monday, January 21, 2013

Seats  Avail  Wait

              24608          07:00P-09:00P   T      MA 007    Allen J                       18   14    0
              19305          04:00P-05:50P   W      M  344    Arad A                        18    5    0
              19306          ARR             ARR    ARR       Auer E                        18    3    0
              25327          08:30P-10:30P   W      MA 452    Bae I                         18    6    0
              21338          06:30P-08:30P   T      MA 452    Battersby E                   18    8    0
              19309          08:30P-11:00P   M      M  015    Bitetti E                     30    6    0 
              19308          06:30P-08:20P   W      MA 405    Brancart E                    18    2    0
              19310          04:00P-05:30P   W      MA 454    Bransby B                     18    2    0
              19311          06:00P-08:20P   R      MA 404    Campbell J                    18    6    0
              19312          08:30P-10:20P   M      MA 405    Colon E                       18    3    0
              19313          06:30P-08:20P   M      MA 454    Cord E                        18    9    0
              19314          06:30P-09:30P   W      M  015    Cuccaro-Penhorwood C          18    5    0
              19315          06:30P-08:20P   T      MA B012   Brown C                       18   11    0
              19316          08:30P-10:20P   R      MA 404    Eban E                        18    6    0
              19317          ARR             ARR    ARR       Edlina-Dubinsky L             18   11    0
              19318          ARR             ARR    ARR       Ellefson P                    18    7    0
              19319          05:00P-06:30P   T      MU 205    Elliott P                     20   14    0
         CLSD 24564          12:20P-02:00P   T      HD TBA    Fishell J                     21    0    0
                 Above class is for studio master class.
              24547          08:30P-10:30P   T      MA 405    Fleezanis J                   18   13    0
              19321          08:30P-10:20P   R      M  015    Fuks M                        18    7    0
              19322          08:30P-10:20P   M      MA 454    Gillespie L                   18    9    0
              19323          06:30P-08:00P   T      MU 205    Gillespie W                   18   14    0
                 Above class for Professor Wendy Gillespie's studio only
              22651          ARR             ARR    ARR       Elliott P                     60   37    0
                 Above class required for all Early Music majors
              24560          06:30P-08:20P   M      MA 405    Haguenauer J                  18    3    0
              19355          06:30P-08:00P   W      MU 204    Harrison R                    18    4    0
              24548          05:00P-07:00P   T      MU 204    Hart M                        18   12    0
              22402          ARR             ARR    ARR       Hoeprich E                    18   18    0
                                                              Elliott P
              21275          06:30P-08:30P   W      MA 007    Horne B                       18   10    0
              21808          06:30P-08:20P   T      MA 404    Kaplan M                      18    3    0
              19320          07:15P-09:15P   M      MU 205    Kerr A                        18    3    0
              19328          08:30P-10:20P   R      MA 405    Klug H                        25   11    0
              19330          ARR             ARR    ARR       Lenthe C                      18   13    0
              25236          07:00P-08:50P   T      M  005    Kubiak T                      18    7    0
                                                              Hart M
              23073          07:00P-09:00P   M      MA B012   Ludwig W                      30   11    0
              19331          06:30P-08:20P   T      MA 405    Lukas K                       18    3    0
              24472          06:30P-08:30P   R      M  015    Mardirossian K                18    3    0
              19302          ARR             ARR    ARR       McClain W                     18   17    0
              19334          ARR             ARR    ARR       McCraw M                      18   18    0
                 Above class for Recorder students only
              25237          ARR             ARR    ARR       McCraw M                      18   18    0
                 Above class for Baroque Bassoon students only
              19333          03:00P-05:00P   W      MA 003    McDonald S                    18    3    0
              22695          ARR             ARR    ARR       McNair S                       9    9    0
              19335          06:30P-08:20P   W      MA 452    Montane C                     18   11    0
              19336          06:30P-08:20P   R      MA 452    Murphy Jr O                   18    1    0
         CLSD 19337          08:30P-11:00P   T      M  015    Naoumoff E                    18    0    0
         CLSD 19325          07:00P-08:30P   M      MA 404    Nelsen J                      19    0    0
              19303          06:00P-08:20P   F      MA 405    Neriki S                      18    2    0
              28871          12:20P-02:00P   T      HD TBA    Neswick B                     18   12    0
                 Above class is for studio master class.
              19339          07:00P-09:00P   W      M  005    Noble T                       20    1    0
              19338          ARR             ARR    ARR       North N                       18   17    0
              19340          07:00P-09:00P   W      MA 404    Perantoni D                   18    2    0
                 Above class will meet on selected dates beginning on Sept 15,
                 and available from the instructor
              19341          07:30P-09:30P   R      M  005    Poulimenos A                  18    9    0
              19342          05:15P-07:00P   M      MU 205    Ritchie S                     18   14    0
              21915          06:30P-08:20P   T      MA 405    Robertello T                  18    4    0
              19343          06:30P-09:00P   M      MA 006    Roe R                         18   13    0
              19344          08:30P-10:00P   R      M  350    Rommel J                      18    6    0
              22697          06:30P-08:20P   M      MU 204    Schrock S                     18   10    0
              19345          ARR             ARR    ARR       Seraphinoff R                 30   24    0
              19346          06:30P-08:20P   R      MA 405    Shaw K                        18    3    0
              20914          06:00P-08:00P   F      MA 452    Shigeoka-Neriki R             18    9    0
              21812          05:30P-07:00P   T      M  005    Simpson M                     18   11    0
              21807          12:20P-02:00P   W      M  215    Neswick B                     50    9    0
                 TOPIC : Sacred Music Practicum
                 Above class on the first day, students are to meet in Auer
                 Hall (M215).
              19347          12:00P-04:00P   S      MA 405    Starker J                     18   17    0
              19349          06:30P-08:20P   M      MA 452    Stewart M                     18   10    0
              19348          05:30P-07:00P   M      MA 007    Stiles P                      18    5    0
         CLSD 19350          06:45P-09:30P   R      MA B012   Strommen L                    18    0    0
              25086          ARR             ARR    ARR       Szmyt E                       18   14    0
              19326          04:00P-05:15P   W      MA 401    Tafoya J                      70   27    0
                 I 500 : All Percussion majors are required to register for
                 this Master Class section
                 Above class only for Percussion majors
              19351          ARR             ARR    ARR       Tartell J                     18   10    0
              22696          06:15P-08:15P   T      HD TBA    Vaness C                      18    6    0
              19352          03:30P-05:20P   M      MA 007    Walsh T                       18   12    0
              21274          04:00P-06:00P   S      MA 452    Watts A                       18   11    0 
              19324          05:30P-07:00P   M      MA 004    Wise P                        18    8    0
              19353          ARR             ARR    ARR       Wright E                      18   11    0
              19354          12:20P-02:00P   T      HD TBA    Young C                       18    4    0
                 Above class is for studio master class.
              19356          ARR             ARR    ARR       Zweig M                       18    7    0
              19357 PERM     07:00P-08:20P   M      M  267    Eotvos M                      20   10    0
                 I 500 : To enroll in this class see MUS-BE 100
                 All students enrolled in MUS-K 100 must register for this
                 MUS-I 500 class
              19307          07:00P-08:20P   M      M  015    Phan P                       100   51    0
                 All students enrolled in MUS-K 400, 710, 810, 910 must
                 register for this MUS-I 500 class
              27081          07:00P-09:00P   T      MA 004    Wyrczynski S                  18    9    0
              28737          04:00P-06:00P   W      MC 036    Kim E                         18    6    0
              29143          ARR             ARR    ARR       Stumpf P                      18   11    0
              19329          ARR             ARR    ARR       Gazouleas E                   18   14    0