Fall 2012, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Monday, January 21, 2013
Seats Avail Wait
NURS-S 474 APPLIED HEALTH CARE ETHICS (3 CR) 27354 PERM ARR ARR WB WEB Stears H 10 8 0 Phillips J Restricted to students in the RNBSN Consortium online program. For information please contact Deborah Hrisomalos ( Above class taught over the World Wide Web Above class meets August 27 - October 20, 2012 S474 : Registration deadline is July 30, 2012 29843 PERM ARR ARR WB WEB Stears H 10 10 0 Phillips J Restricted to students in the RNBSN Consortium online program. For information please contact Deborah Hrisomalos ( Above class taught over the World Wide Web Above class meets August 27 - October 20, 2012 S474 : Registration deadline is July 30, 2012 NURS-S 474 APPLIED HEALTH CARE ETHICS (3 CR) 26479 10:10A-12:55P F BH 340 Priest C 65 10 0 Above class open to Nursing students only.