Fall 2012, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Monday, January 21, 2013
Seats Avail Wait
HPER-P 419 FITNESS TESTING & INTERPRETATN (3 CR) ***** 10:10A-11:00A MW PH 013 Miller K 48 5 0 P 419 : P - HPER P 216; Permission of instructor for Kinesiology majors only; Recommended - HPER-P 205 and PHSL-P 215 Above class students must register for laboratory section Laboratory (LAB) 21095 08:00A-09:55A F PH 046 Miller K 29 6 0 08:00A-09:55A F WM 293 08:00A-09:55A F WM 195 CLSD 21100 10:10A-12:05P F PH 046 Miller K 19 0 3 10:10A-12:05P F WM 293 Miller K 10:10A-12:05P F FA 215 Miller K