Course Listing: TRAVEL STUDY

Summer 2012, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, September 02, 2012

              13825 PERM NS1 ARR             ARR    ARR       Kay N                         15   14    0
                 H 445 : Permission of instructor required
                 Above class for students living in the Bloomington area
                 H 445: Travel to China and Thailand May 8 - 20, 2012; for
                 more information, visit http//
                 H 445 : In-class meetings Apr 5, 12, 19 and 26, 5:00-7:00p
              13826 PERM NS1 ARR             ARR    ARR       Kay N                         15   14    0
                 H 445 : Permission of instructor required
                 Above class for students NOT living in the Bloomington area
                 H 445: Travel to China and Thailand May 8 - 20, 2012; for
                 more information, visit http//
                 H 445 : In-class meetings Apr 5, 12, 19 and 26, 5:00-7:00p