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Course Listing: VOLCANOES OF THE SIERRA NEVADASummer 2012, Bloomington |
GEOL-G 188 VOLCANOES OF THE SIERRA NEVADA (3 CR) 15069 PERM NS1 ARR ARR ARR Hamburger M 18 3 0 G 188 : P - GEOL-G 190 or CLLC-L 100 Above class meets May 17-31, and is a 2-week field course in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California followed by a 2-week independent study research period. Consent of Instructor required in advance. G 188 : For more information see website: HTTP://WWW.INDIANA.EDU/~SIERRA/ (no caps) Above class Honors College students will receive Honors credit Above class requires special fee - See fee page Above class meets with CLLC-L 130 IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit