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Course Listing: IND STUDY OR RES IN ART EDUCSummer 2012, Bloomington |
EDUC-Z 590 IND STUDY OR RES IN ART EDUC (1-3 CR) 1935 PERM 6W1 ARR ARR ARR Manifold M 5 4 0 Above class requires permission of instructor 6515 6W2 ARR ARR ARR Manifold M 5 3 0 15874 PERM 1 ARR ARR ARR Lackey L 5 5 0 TOPIC : Readings in Arts-Based and Visual Inquiry Z 590 : Independent reading will be enhanced through weekly fact to face or Skype meetings with the instructor and online forum discussions in small groups or teams where feasible. All participants are asked to attend a first face to face meeting on Monday, May 7.