University Course Browser |
Course Listing: BE:EDUC-L 442/EDUC-M 401Summer 2012, Bloomington |
EDUC-BE 442 BE:EDUC-L 442/EDUC-M 401 (4 CR) 6871 6W2 12:40P-02:30P MTWR ED 1230 Bastos M 2 2 0 VT: TCHNG ENGL LANG LRNRS: BIL/ENL ARR ARR ARR Bastos M VT: LABORATORY/FIELD EXPERIENCE M 401 : Graded on SF basis only M 401 : Class requires special fee - See fee page Above class requires an EDUC-M 401 or M 501 field experience as a co-requisite for the ESL license or for ENL license addition M 401 : Field experience will not be completed solely in the six week summer session due to placement availability. May require time before, during and after session L 442 : P - Admission to TEP Above class P - Junior standing