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Course Listing: PSYCHOLOGY OF ADOLESCENT GIRLSSpring 2012, Bloomington |
PSY-P 474 PSYCHOLOGY OF ADOLESCENT GIRLS (3 CR) P 474 : Class lecture meets on campus Mondays and Wednesdays. In addition, students will have one off-campus site visit per week, day and time to be determined, to be assigned by the instructor. P 474 : To be considered for enrollment, students must email a resume and the name and email of one faculty reference. CLSD 32802 PERM 11:15A-12:30P MW PY 228 Sinex L 15 0 0 Above class requires permission of instructor Above class is a Service Learning Course P 474 : Depending upon their assigned Service-Learning agency, students may be required to participate in on-site training. Students will be required to submit to a background check and pay the background check fee to the organization (approx $5). Above class P - Junior standing ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule