Spring 2012, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 10, 2012

        Above class is part of the "Transfer Indiana" (transferIN) Initiative.
         For additional information, link to HTTP://WWW.TRANSFERIN.NET
              26802          09:05A-09:55A   MWF    SY 210    Howell I                      23    1    0
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
              24456          09:30A-10:45A   TR     GY 447    Strobel L                     23    2    1
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
              24462          10:10A-11:00A   MWF    SE 140    Roca-Martinez S               24    3    0
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
              24457          11:15A-12:05P   MWF    BH 331    Espericueta J                 23    1    0
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
              24458          11:15A-12:30P   TR     BH 322    Moreno V                      23    3    1
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
         CLSD 33977          09:05A-09:55A   MWF    BH 138    Mosier M                      23    0    0
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
         CLSD 24459          12:20P-01:10P   MWF    BH 011    Erickson M                    23    0    2
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
              26780          01:00P-02:15P   TR     BH 245    Botello Lopez Canti J         23    2    1
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent 
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
              30033          01:00P-02:15P   TR     BH 331    Birkenmaier A                 23    1    1
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
              25637          02:30P-03:20P   MWF    SY 105    Espericueta J                 23    1    0
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
              24461          02:30P-03:45P   TR     BH 237    Strobel L                     23    1    1
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
         CLSD 24460          02:30P-03:45P   TR     BH 229    Moreno V                      23    0    1
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit
              24463          04:00P-05:15P   TR     BH 142    Bernales Albites E            23    2    1
                 S 324 : P - HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310 or equivalent
                 S 324 : If you have taken HISP-S 275 Intro to Hispanic
                 Culture, you should not take S 324.  These two classes are
                 considered equivalent
                 COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit
                 COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit