University Course Browser |
Course Listing: ELEMENTARY ARABIC IISpring 2012, Bloomington |
NELC-A 550 ELEMENTARY ARABIC II (2 CR) 18896 05:45P-07:00P MTWR WH 114 Istrabadi Z 18 8 0 Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with NELC-A 150 18897 09:05A-09:55A D SY 137 Willborn A 18 2 0 Istrabadi Z Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with NELC-A 150 21691 10:10A-11:00A D SY 137 Al-Raba'a B 18 3 0 Istrabadi Z Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with NELC-A 150 18898 11:15A-12:05P D SY 137 Azmeh S 18 2 0 Istrabadi Z Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with NELC-A 150 36141 11:15A-12:05P MWF ED 2101 Wayne C 18 5 0 Istrabadi Z 11:15A-12:05P TR ED 3004 Wayne C Istrabadi Z Above class meets with NELC-A 150 36362 10:10A-11:00A MWF LI 1051 Wayne C 18 11 0 Istrabadi Z 10:10A-11:00A TR LI 851 Wayne C Istrabadi Z Above class meets with NELC-A 150