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Course Listing: TOPICS IN MUSIC LITERATURESpring 2012, Bloomington |
MUS-M 510 TOPICS IN MUSIC LITERATURE (3 CR) VT: 20TH CENTURY POLISH MUSIC 20305 RSTR 01:00P-02:15P MW M 242 Goldberg H 20 8 0 M 510 : P - MUS-T 508 and MUS-M 542, or equivalents by examination VT: WRITING ABOUT MUSIC 30010 RSTR 10:10A-11:25A TR M 263 Melamed D 10 1 0 TOPIC : Writing for Non-Specialists about Music: Journalistic Criticism (Newspaper Reviews) and Liner/Program notes M 510 : P - MUS-T 508, MUS-M 541, AND M 542 (or equivalents by examination) or permission of instructor Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with MUS-M 410