University Course Browser |
Course Listing: MEDICAL NEUROSCIENCESpring 2012, Bloomington |
MSCI-M 555 MEDICAL NEUROSCIENCE (5 CR) 19917 PERM 08:00A-09:55A MW JH 001 Ronan M 35 33 0 11:15A-12:05P MWRF JH 009 Ronan M Suthers R Above class open to graduate students only Above class permission of instructor and Director required Above class may require Special Fee - Contact Department 19918 PERM 08:00A-09:55A MW JH 001 Ronan M 35 35 0 11:15A-12:05P MWRF JH 009 Ronan M Suthers R Above class open to Medical students only Above class may require Special Fee - Contact Department