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Course Listing: CAREER PERSPECTIVESSpring 2012, Bloomington |
BUS-X 220 CAREER PERSPECTIVES (2 CR) ***** 11:15A-12:30P TR BU 219 Dayton K 264 8 46 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered X 220 : Students must be able to take on-line final exam on May 2 from 10:45am - 11:15am. No alternative times will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page Laboratory (LAB) 23582 05:30P-06:45P M BU 306 True J 33 1 14 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 23583 07:00P-08:15P M BU 306 True J 33 0 4 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 23584 05:30P-06:45P T BU 313 Moses M 33 1 7 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 23576 07:00P-08:15P T BU 313 Moses M 33 0 2 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 23585 05:30P-06:45P W BU 306 True J 33 2 10 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 23586 07:00P-08:15P W BU 306 True J 33 1 11 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 23587 05:30P-06:45P R BU 103 Raad R 33 2 3 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 23588 07:00P-08:15P R BU 103 Raad R 33 1 4 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page BUS-X 220 CAREER PERSPECTIVES (2 CR) ***** 01:00P-02:15P TR BU 219 Dayton K 264 2 57 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered X 220 : Students must be able to take on-line final exam on May 2 from 10:45am - 11:15am. No alternative times will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page Laboratory (LAB) CLSD 23589 05:30P-06:45P M BU 313 Schepers J 33 0 7 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 23590 07:00P-08:15P M BU 313 Schepers J 33 0 6 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 23591 05:30P-06:45P T BU 103 Raad R 33 0 7 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 23592 07:00P-08:15P T BU 103 Raad R 33 0 2 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 23593 05:30P-06:45P W BU 313 Moses M 33 0 4 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 23594 07:00P-08:15P W BU 313 Moses M 33 0 5 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 23595 05:30P-06:45P R BU 211 Nevitt J 33 1 26 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 23578 07:00P-08:15P R BU 211 Nevitt J 33 1 9 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page BUS-X 220 CAREER PERSPECTIVES (2 CR) ***** 02:30P-03:45P TR BU 219 Dayton K 264 3 16 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered X 220 : Students must be able to take on-line final exam on May 2 from 10:45am - 11:15am. No alternative times will be considered Above class requires special fee - See fee page Laboratory (LAB) 23596 05:30P-06:45P M BU 406 Gregoire D 33 1 6 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 24615 07:00P-08:15P M BU 406 Gregoire D 33 0 3 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 24616 05:30P-06:45P T BU 211 Raad G 33 0 2 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 24617 07:00P-08:15P T BU 211 Raad G 33 0 3 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 24618 05:30P-06:45P W BU 406 Clampitt C 33 0 5 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 24619 07:00P-08:15P W BU 406 Clampitt C 33 0 2 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 24620 05:30P-06:45P R BU 200 Clampitt C 33 1 1 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 24621 07:00P-08:15P R BU 200 Clampitt C 33 1 1 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page BUS-X 220 CAREER PERSPECTIVES (2 CR) ***** 04:00P-05:15P TR BU 219 Dayton K 264 4 33 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered X 220 : Students must be able to take on-line final exam on May 2 from 10:45am - 11:15am. No alternative times will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page Laboratory (LAB) CLSD 23572 05:30P-06:45P M BU 411 Raad G 33 0 5 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 23573 07:00P-08:15P M BU 411 Raad G 33 1 6 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 23574 05:30P-06:45P T BU 423 Clampitt C 33 0 4 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 23575 07:00P-08:15P T BU 423 Clampitt C 33 2 4 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page 23577 05:30P-06:45P W BU 411 Gregoire D 33 1 5 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 23579 07:00P-08:15P W BU 411 Gregoire D 33 0 3 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 23580 05:30P-06:45P R BU 423 McKay J 33 0 7 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page CLSD 23581 07:00P-08:15P R BU 423 McKay J 33 0 2 X 220 : Required of all undergraduates in the Kelley School of Business Each student must also enroll in above lecture Above class meets second eight weeks only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered Above class requires special fee - see fee page