University Course Browser |
Course Listing: BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONSSpring 2012, Bloomington |
BUS-X 204 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS (3 CR) 20101 08:00A-09:15A MW BU 325 Easton A 24 7 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 23819 08:00A-09:15A MW BU 411 Meunier J 24 9 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15375 09:30A-10:45A MW BU 404 Neal C 24 3 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15376 09:30A-10:45A MW BU 411 Meunier J 24 1 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15377 09:30A-10:45A MW BU 325 Easton A 24 3 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15386 09:30A-10:45A MW BU 205 Steiner-Williams J 24 4 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15378 11:15A-12:30P MW BU 411 Meunier J 24 1 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered CLSD 15379 11:15A-12:30P MW BU 404 Neal C 24 0 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15380 11:15A-12:30P MW BU 323 Holt L 24 1 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 24959 11:15A-12:30P MW BU 108 Barwick C 24 2 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15389 11:15A-12:30P MW BU 205 Steiner-Williams J 24 10 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered CLSD 15374 11:15A-12:30P MW BU 325 Easton A 24 0 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered CLSD 23843 11:15A-12:30P MW BU 421 Schultz B 24 0 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15381 01:00P-02:15P MW BU 404 Neal C 24 6 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15398 01:00P-02:15P MW BU 205 Steiner-Williams J 24 8 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15382 01:00P-02:15P MW BU 323 Holt L 24 1 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15383 01:00P-02:15P MW BU 108 Barwick C 24 4 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered CLSD 15393 01:00P-02:15P MW BU 411 Meunier J 24 0 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15384 02:30P-03:45P MW BU 323 Holt L 24 2 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 23818 02:30P-03:45P MW BU 108 Barwick C 24 2 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 23820 04:00P-05:15P MW BU 325 Steiner-Williams J 24 10 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 24626 08:00A-09:15A TR BU 404 Heidewald J 24 8 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 24775 08:00A-09:15A TR BU 421 Neher D 24 8 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 23821 09:30A-10:45A TR BU 325 Morrone M 24 1 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15387 09:30A-10:45A TR BU 404 Heidewald J 24 4 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15395 09:30A-10:45A TR BU 411 Ryan K 24 2 2 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 26290 11:15A-12:30P TR BU 205 Goddin J 24 1 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15390 11:15A-12:30P TR BU 325 Morrone M 24 1 2 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15391 11:15A-12:30P TR BU 411 Ryan K 24 3 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15388 01:00P-02:15P TR BU 411 Ryan K 24 1 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15394 04:00P-05:15P MW BU 205 Mc Nellen B 24 2 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered CLSD 15396 01:00P-02:15P TR BU 205 Storey J 24 0 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15385 02:30P-03:45P TR MN 001C Morrone M 24 1 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class A portion of this class for Kelley Living Learning Center students only ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 23822 05:30P-06:45P MW BU 205 Mc Nellen B 24 3 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered CLSD 15397 02:30P-03:45P TR BU 205 Storey J 24 0 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered 15399 04:00P-05:15P TR BU 205 Storey J 24 2 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered