Course Listing: INTRODUCTION TO FOODSFall 2011, Bloomington |
HPER-N 120 INTRODUCTION TO FOODS (3 CR) 3878 RSTR 11:15A-12:05P MW BH 310 Ray S 84 2 3 Above class is open to Dietetics and Nutrition Science majors and Nutrition Science minors only. Minors need authorization from 812-855-1256 Above students must enroll and attend one lab section below Laboratory (LAB) CLSD 3879 RSTR 09:05A-12:05P T HP 07 Getty V 28 0 2 Above class is open to Dietetics and Nutrition Science majors and Nutrition Science minors only. Minors need authorization from 812-855-1256 3881 RSTR 09:05A-12:05P R HP 07 Getty V 28 1 1 Above class is open to Dietetics and Nutrition Science majors and Nutrition Science minors only. Minors need authorization from 812-855-1256 3880 RSTR 01:30P-04:30P F HP 07 Getty V 28 1 0 Above class is open to Dietetics and Nutrition Science majors and Nutrition Science minors only. Minors need authorization from 812-855-1256