Fall 2011, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, January 22, 2012

               8586          02:30P-03:20P   MTWF   CH 122    Mindiola D                   198   33    0
                             07:15P-09:15P   T      HD TBA
                             07:15P-09:15P   T      HD TBA
                             07:15P-09:15P   T      HD TBA
                 N 330 : P - (CHEM-C 342 or CHEM-S 342 or CHEM-R 340) and
                 (CHEM-C 343 or CHEM-S 343)
                 N 330 : Tuesday evening exams required 7:15-9:15pm, Sep 27,
                 Oct 25 and Nov 15
                 N 330 : Further laboratory safety information see:  HTTP://WWW.CHEM.INDIANA.EDU/UGRAD/LABSAFETY.ASP
                 Above class requires special fee - See fee page
                 Discussion (DIS)
               8587          03:35P-04:25P   M      KH 212    Le Sueur A                    43    6    3
               8588          04:40P-05:30P   M      BH 209    Le Sueur A                    45    9    0
               8591          03:35P-04:25P   W      BH 144    McCormick M                   45    6    1
               8589          05:45P-06:35P   W      BH 345    McCormick M                   31    8    1
               8590          12:20P-01:10P   F      BH 319    McCormick M                   34    4    1
                 Laboratory (LAB)
               8594          08:00A-11:00A   R      CH 045    Searles K                     18    3    1
         CLSD  8597          08:00A-11:00A   R      CH 041    Erdely V                      18    0    0
               8595          11:15A-02:15P   R      CH 045    Wu Z                          18    3    2
               8598          11:15A-02:15P   R      CH 041    Chisholm K                    18    1    1
               8596          02:30P-05:30P   R      CH 045    Zhang J                       18    2    1
               8599          02:30P-05:30P   R      CH 041    Sprowl M                      18    1    3
              29286          06:00P-09:00P   R      CH 041    Thompson R                    18    4    0
              29288          06:00P-09:00P   R      CH 045    Wicker B                      18    8    0
               8600          11:15A-02:15P   F      CH 041    Smith M                       18    4    0
               8601          11:15A-02:15P   F      CH 045    Crandell D                    18    4    1
               8593          04:00P-07:00P   F      CH 045    Hamilton I                    18    3    1