Course Listing: LIMNOLOGYFall 2011, Bloomington |
SPEA-E 455 LIMNOLOGY (4 CR) ***** 09:30A-10:45A TR PV 277 Royer T 48 4 0 Above class senior or graduate student standing or consent of instructor Above class requires special fee - See fee page E 455 : BSPA Environmental Management majors should take SPEA-E 355, Introduction to Limnology Laboratory (LAB) 13915 12:00P-04:00P R PV 377 Clark M 16 1 1 Above class senior or graduate student standing or consent of instructor 6032 08:00A-12:00P F PV 272 Clark M 16 3 0 Above class senior or graduate student standing or consent of instructor CLSD 6033 01:00P-05:00P F PV 272 Clark M 16 0 0 Above class senior or graduate student standing or consent of instructor