Course Listing: INTRO TO MUSIC BIBLIOGRAPHYFall 2011, Bloomington |
MUS-M 539 INTRO TO MUSIC BIBLIOGRAPHY (2-3 CR) 4897 RSTR 09:05A-10:20A TR M 267 Ponella P 25 6 0 M 539 : Majors in Musicology Music Theory and Music Librarian degrees should enroll in the other section of this class If the above class is full, students may join a Jacobs School of Music Waitlist by sending an email to Students must include the course and specific class numbers when making this request. Music majors should take above class for 2 credit hours 12126 RSTR 04:00P-06:30P R M 263 Cochran K 12 2 0 NOTE: This class section is open to Musicology, Music Theory, and MLS degree students only. All others should enroll in the other section If the above class is full, students may join a Jacobs School of Music Waitlist by sending an email to Students must include the course and specific class numbers when making this request. M 539 : Music majors should take above class for 2 credit hours