Course Listing: ISSUES MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORYFall 2011, Bloomington |
HIST-B 303 ISSUES MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY (3 CR) VT: HITLER, STALIN AND DE GAULLE 7813 RSTR 02:30P-03:20P MWF BH 139 Douglas A 25 1 0 TOPIC : Hitler, Stalin, and DeGaulle A portion of the above class reserved for majors Above class open to undergraduates and Education MA's only Above class meets with WEUR-W 405 and WEUR-W 605 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit VT: VIEWING WORLD WAR II 7814 RSTR 09:05A-09:55A MWF BH 232 Douglas A 26 1 0 TOPIC : The Second World War in Films and Video A portion of the above class reserved for majors Above class open to undergraduates and Education MA's only Above class meets with WEUR-W 405 and WEUR-W 605 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit