Course Listing: ISSUES IN MODERN U.S. HISTORYFall 2011, Bloomington |
HIST-A 379 ISSUES IN MODERN U.S. HISTORY (3 CR) VT: HOLOCAUST IN AMERICAN MEMORY 8625 RSTR 06:30P-09:00P T BH 347 Linenthal E 64 6 0 TOPIC : The Holocaust in American Memory Above class open to undergraduates and Education MA''S only A portion of the above class reserved for majors Above class meets with AMST-A 399 and another section of HIST-A 379 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit VT: HOLOCAUST IN AMERICAN MEMORY 28974 RSTR 06:30P-09:00P T BH 347 Linenthal E 6 3 0 TOPIC : The Holocaust in American Memory Above class meets with another HIST-A 379 and with AMST-A 399 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit