Course Listing: MODERN LIT&OTHER ARTS: INTROFall 2011, Bloomington |
CMLT-C 255 MODERN LIT&OTHER ARTS: INTRO (3 CR) CLSD 12014 11:15A-12:30P TR BH 317 Hertz D 25 0 2 Above class carries COLL Culture Studies credit Above class COLL Intensive Writing section Carries IUB GenEd A&H credit COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit 1985 09:30A-10:45A TR BH 138 Riccio C 35 6 0 Above class carries COLL Culture Studies credit Carries IUB GenEd A&H credit COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit COLL (CASE) Culture Studies credit