Course Listing: PRIN CHEM & BIOCHEM I, HONORSFall 2011, Bloomington |
CHEM-S 117 PRIN CHEM & BIOCHEM I, HONORS (5 CR) ***** 09:05A-09:55A MTWF CH 033 De Souza R 72 19 0 Burlingham B 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA De Souza R Burlingham B 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA De Souza R Burlingham B 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA De Souza R Burlingham B 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA De Souza R Burlingham B S 117 : P - To remain enrolled in S 117, students must take and pass the Chemistry Placement Exam (CPE) and fulfill one of the following Math requirements: 1) Math SAT score of 580 or above, 2) Math ACT score of 25 or above, 3) MSA score of 17 or above, or 4) completed a Math course numbered M 025 or above on the BL campus with a grade of C- or higher, 5) a grade of C- or above in CHEM-C 103 without taking the Chemistry Placement Exam (CPE) or fulfilling the above Math requirements S 117 : For further (CPE) information and the online exam see: HTTP://WWW.CHEM.INDIANA.EDU/UGRAD/CPE.ASP S 117 : The CPE deadline for any Summer or Fall semester is June 1st and for any Spring semester is December 1st S 117 : Tuesday evening exams required 7:15-9:15p, Sep 20, Oct 11, Nov 1, Nov 29 S 117 : Orientation meeting required 8:00a-12:00p, Sat, Aug 27, in Chemistry 033 ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts S 117 : Further laboratory safety information see: HTTP://WWW.CHEM.INDIANA.EDU/UGRAD/LABSAFETY.ASP Above class requires special fee - See fee page COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit Discussion (DIS) 1790 04:40P-05:30P M BH 103 Keifer D 36 2 0 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 1791 05:45P-06:35P T BH 240 Keifer D 36 17 0 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit Laboratory (LAB) ***** 05:30P-08:30P W CH 047 Mueller M 24 8 0 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 02:15P-05:15P R CH 047 Mueller M 24 2 0 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 05:30P-08:30P R CH 047 Lim H 24 9 0 COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit