Course Listing: PRINC OF CHEM & BIOCHEM IFall 2011, Bloomington |
CHEM-C 117 PRINC OF CHEM & BIOCHEM I (5 CR) ***** 08:00A-08:50A MTWF CH 122 Peters D 302 31 1 Robinson J Stone T 06:50P-09:30P T HD TBA 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA C 117 : P - To remain enrolled in C 117, students must take and pass the Chemistry Placement Examination (CPE) and fulfill one of the following math requirements: 1) Math SAT score fo 580 or above, 2) Math ACT score of 25 or above, 3) MSA score of 17 or above or 4) completed math course M 025 or above on the BL campus with a grade of C- or higher. - OR - C117 : P - If students complete CHEM-C 103 with a C- or better, they can enroll directly into CHEM-C 117 without taking the Chemistry Placement Exam (CPE) or fulfilling the above math requirements C 117 : For further CPE information and online exam dates, see: HTTP://WWW.CHEM.INDIANA.EDU/UGRAD/CPE.ASP C 117 : The CPE deadline for any Summer or Fall semester is June 1st and for any Spring semester it is December 1st C 117 : Tuesday evening exams required 7:15-9:15pm, Sep 27, Oct 18, Nov 8, and Nov 29. Lab final exam 6:50-9:30pm, Dec 6 ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts C 117 : Further laboratory safety information see: HTTP://WWW.CHEM.INDIANA.EDU/UGRAD/LABSAFETY.ASP Above class requires special fee - See fee page Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 09:05A-09:55A MTWF CH 122 Peters D 322 22 8 Robinson J Stone T 06:50P-09:30P T HD TBA 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA 07:15P-09:15P T HD TBA C117 : P - If students complete CHEM-C 103 with a C- or better, they can enroll directly into CHEM-C 117 without taking the Chemistry Placement Exam (CPE) or fulfilling the above math requirements C 117 : For further CPE information and online exam dates, see: HTTP://WWW.CHEM.INDIANA.EDU/UGRAD/CPE.ASP C 117 : The CPE deadline for any Summer or Fall semester is June 1st and for any Spring semester it is December 1st C 117 : Tuesday evening exams required 7:15-9:15pm, Sep 27, Oct 18, Nov 8, and Nov 29. Lab final exam 6:50-9:30pm, Dec 6 ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts C 117 : Further laboratory safety information see: HTTP://WWW.CHEM.INDIANA.EDU/UGRAD/LABSAFETY.ASP Above class requires special fee - See fee page Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit Discussion (DIS) ***** 10:10A-11:00A M BH 147 Zakeri R 38 4 2 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 12:20P-01:10P M ED 2101 Judd Jr O 37 1 4 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD ***** 02:30P-03:20P M BH 242 Conant C 36 0 1 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD ***** 03:35P-04:25P M SW 217 Konopka F 38 0 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 05:45P-06:35P T BH 245 Conant C 37 1 1 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 05:45P-06:35P T SE 245 Konopka F 37 9 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 05:45P-06:35P T BH 322 Judd Jr O 37 4 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 10:10A-11:00A W SW 220 Konopka F 37 3 4 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 12:20P-01:10P W BH 340 Zakeri R 38 1 1 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 03:35P-04:25P W KH 212 Lew M 36 5 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD ***** 04:40P-05:30P W BH 146 Lew M 36 0 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 05:45P-06:35P W BH 240 Conant C 36 12 1 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 05:45P-06:35P R BH 322 Conant C 37 2 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 10:10A-11:00A F BH 147 Zakeri R 37 2 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 10:10A-11:00A F ED 2101 Lew M 34 5 1 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 11:15A-12:05P F TV 226 Zakeri R 36 2 1 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit ***** 12:20P-01:10P F ED 2101 Lew M 37 2 1 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit Laboratory (LAB) 1718 09:05A-12:05P M CH 049 Grez P 24 9 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 1719 12:15P-03:15P M CH 047 Wu F 24 1 2 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 1720 12:15P-03:15P M CH 049 Zhu Z 24 3 0 Gast C Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 1713 RSTR 03:30P-06:30P M CH 047 Gao Y 24 3 1 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 8566 03:30P-06:30P M CH 049 Weber A 24 0 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 1717 RSTR 06:45P-09:45P M CH 047 Schwartz A 24 0 0 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 1721 06:45P-09:45P M CH 049 Storey A 24 0 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 6378 RSTR 12:15P-03:15P T CH 047 Liu Y 24 0 4 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 6379 12:15P-03:15P T CH 049 Yang X 24 2 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 1704 RSTR 03:30P-06:30P T CH 047 Yang X 24 3 1 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 1705 RSTR 03:30P-06:30P T CH 049 Dai L 24 0 0 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 1706 RSTR 09:05A-12:05P W CH 047 Weinel C 24 3 0 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 7711 09:05A-12:05P W CH 049 Grez P 24 4 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 1707 RSTR 12:15P-03:15P W CH 047 Weber A 24 1 3 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 1708 RSTR 12:15P-03:15P W CH 049 Shi W 24 3 2 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 1710 RSTR 03:30P-06:30P W CH 049 Wu F 24 0 3 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 1712 RSTR 08:00A-11:00A R CH 049 Storey A 24 3 3 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 1711 RSTR 09:05A-12:05P R CH 047 Schwartz A 24 0 2 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 1714 RSTR 11:15A-02:15P R CH 049 Zhu Z 24 0 2 Goddard J A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 1716 RSTR 02:30P-05:30P R CH 049 Dai L 24 0 2 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 9492 06:00P-09:00P R CH 049 Cook B 24 1 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 1715 RSTR 09:05A-12:05P F CH 047 Cook B 24 4 0 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 1709 RSTR 12:15P-03:15P F CH 047 Gao Y 24 0 0 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 1722 12:15P-03:15P F CH 049 Liu Y 24 0 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 13871 03:30P-06:30P F CH 047 Weinel C 24 5 0 Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit 13872 03:30P-06:30P F CH 049 Shi W 24 8 0 Thompson P Carries IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit