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Course Listing: INTRODUCTORY KAZAKH ISummer 2011, Bloomington |
CEUS-T 113 INTRODUCTORY KAZAKH I (4 CR) Admission and enrollment in the following summer courses of the Summer Workshop in Slavic, East European and Central Asian Languages (SWSEEL) are only by application to the Summer Workshop in Slavic, East European and Central Languages,, Ballantine Hall 502, IU, Bloomington, IN 47405-7103. To guarantee consideration for funding, applications must be submitted by March 23, 2011. After this date, admission is on a rolling basis and permission of Director is required. Students are required to enroll in both I and II or seek authorization for exception from the workshop Director. For further information call (812) 855-2608 or visit 5101 PERM SS2 08:30A-12:20P D SY 137 Moldashova F 16 4 0 Above class open to undergraduates only Above class requires application and registration through SWSEEL, Above class meets with CEUS-T 114, T 513, and T 514 IUB GenEd-approved WL class