Summer 2011, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, September 11, 2011

              *****      SS1 09:30A-12:00P   M      ED 1120   Eckes S                       30    2    0
                 Above class students should check Oncourse prior to first
                 class for reading assignment
                 Above class meets with EDUC-A 308 and EDUC-A 508
                 Discussion (DIS)
               5371      SS1 08:00A-10:30A   W      ED 1225   Eckes S                       14    1    0

                 E 310 : Above class students should check Oncourse for the
                 reading assignment prior to the first class
                 E 310 : Above class students will meet in EDUC 1120 on Wed,
                 Jun 15, from 9:30a-12:00p to take their final exam instead of
                 the regularly scheduled discussion
                 Above class meets with EDUC-A 308 and A 508
               5372      SS1 10:45A-01:15P   W      ED 1225   Eckes S                       16    1    0

                 E 310 : Above class students should check Oncourse for the
                 reading assignment prior to the first class
                 E 310 : Above class students will meet in EDUC 1120 on Wed,
                 Jun 15, from 9:30a-12:00p to take their final exam instead of
                 the regularly scheduled discussion
                 Above class meets with EDUC-A 308 and A 508