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Course Listing: BEGINNING GUITAR CLASSSpring 2011, Bloomington |
MUS-L 101 BEGINNING GUITAR CLASS (2 CR) TOPIC : For all sections of MUS L 101, L 102, L 103 : Contemporary Guitar Styles L 101 : Instrument required: Any type of guitar except electric guitar For further information contact the secondary guitar coordinator, MU 347, 855-9412, email 9531 11:15A-12:05P MW MA B012 Jankovic P 10 1 0 CLSD 9540 01:25P-02:15P MW MA B012 Jankovic P 10 0 0 9541 04:30P-05:20P TR M 340 Jankovic P 10 1 0 9549 02:30P-03:20P MW RE 3-009 Jankovic P 10 1 0 Above class meets in Curry Ground Wing CLSD 9542 03:30P-04:20P MW M 340 Jankovic P 10 0 0 CLSD 9543 03:30P-04:20P TR M 340 Jankovic P 10 0 0 CLSD 9532 04:30P-05:20P MW M 340 Jankovic P 10 0 0 9544 04:30P-05:20P TR M 350 Jankovic P 10 2 0 9533 05:30P-06:20P MW M 340 Jankovic P 10 1 0 9550 05:30P-06:20P MW M 350 Jankovic P 10 4 0 9551 05:30P-06:20P MW M 356 Jankovic P 10 6 0 9545 06:30P-07:20P MW M 340 Jankovic P 10 4 0 9546 02:30P-03:20P TR M 350 Jankovic P 10 2 0 CLSD 9552 12:20P-01:10P TR RE 3-009 Jankovic P 10 0 0 Above class meets in Curry Ground Wing 9534 03:30P-04:20P TR MA 006 Jankovic P 10 2 0 9535 03:30P-04:20P MW MA 006 Jankovic P 10 1 0 9547 04:30P-05:20P MW M 149C Jankovic P 10 5 0 9536 02:30P-03:20P MW MA 006 Jankovic P 10 1 0 9537 04:30P-05:20P TR M 356 Jankovic P 10 5 0 9538 06:30P-07:20P MW M 356 Jankovic P 10 6 0 9548 01:25P-02:15P TR MU 204 Jankovic P 10 1 0 9539 06:30P-07:20P TR M 149C Jankovic P 10 6 0 9553 06:30P-07:20P TR M 344 Jankovic P 10 6 0