University Course Browser |
Course Listing: TRANS/ANLS IN FOLK/ETHNOMUSICSpring 2011, Bloomington |
FOLK-F 794 TRANS/ANLS IN FOLK/ETHNOMUSIC (3 CR) 15406 PERM 08:50A-10:05A MW FY 100 Sykes C 12 5 0 F 794 : Advised: FOLK-F 510 Multimedia and MUS-T 132 and MUS-T 151 or equivalent skills F 794 : Contact for authorization Above class open to graduates only Above class meets at 501 N. Park Ave Above class meets with FOLK-F 494 Laboratory (LAB) 16644 PERM 12:50P-02:20P R M 373 Sykes C 12 5 0 F 794 : Advised: FOLK-F 510 Multimedia and MUS-T 132 and MUS-T 151 or equivalent skills F 794 : Above class contact for authorization Above class is the lab section for FOLK-F 794. Lab attendance required. Above class meets with FOLK-F 494