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Course Listing: CURR ISSUES IN UNDERGRAD LIFESpring 2011, Bloomington |
EDUC-U 212 CURR ISSUES IN UNDERGRAD LIFE (2 CR) VT: INTRO TO LGBT ISSUES IN EDUC 35373 01:30P-04:00P W WT 12-029BPizmony Levy O 20 8 0 TOPIC : Introduction to Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender Issues in Education Above class meets second eight weeks only VT: HIST BLACK GREEK LETTER ORGS CLSD 35374 04:00P-06:30P M WI C109 Harris C 20 0 0 Njoku N TOPIC : Historically Black Greek Lettered Organizations: History, Purposes and Future? Above class meets second eight weeks only VT: HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION 35375 01:00P-03:30P M WT 12-029BRemstad M 20 1 0 TOPIC : Human Rights Education: Perspectives, Issues and Approaches Above class meets second eight weeks only VT: FEMINISM AND EDUCATION 35381 09:00A-11:30A T WT 12-029BBranon S 20 14 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only VT: HIGHER EDUC ON SILVER SCREEN 35382 08:30A-11:00A R TE F260 Rucker S 20 3 0 TOPIC : Higher Education on the Silver Screen Above class meets second eight weeks only VT: MEDIA, CULTURE AND EDUCATION CLSD 35376 05:30P-08:00P W WI C111 Wang Y 20 0 0 TOPIC : Media, Culture and Education: A Global Perspective Above class meets second eight weeks only VT: COLLEGE STUDENT ACTIVISM 35377 03:00P-05:30P T WT 12-029BShaw M 20 13 0 Cervera Y TOPIC : College Student Activism Above class meets second eight weeks only VT: ASIA & CHALLENGE TO AMER EDUC 35378 04:00P-06:30P W BQ C147A wang l 20 2 0 Wang H TOPIC : The Rising Power of Asia and Its Challenges to American Education Above class meets second eight weeks only VT: ATHLETICS IN HIGHER EDUCATION 35379 01:00P-03:30P T WI C109 Lower A 20 2 0 TOPIC : Athletics and Higher Education: Understanding the Role of Sport in College Above class meets second eight weeks only VT: POLITICIANS, MONEY AND POWER 35407 ARR ARR ARR Morrison J 20 3 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class taught online VT: GENDER EQUITY AND EDUCATION 35408 ARR ARR ARR Gough M 20 6 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class taught online