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Course Listing: TOPCS IN CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIESSpring 2011, Bloomington |
CEUS-R 529 TOPCS IN CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES (3 CR) VT: POST-SOVIET CA ID/DEM/LANG/SOC 28884 01:00P-03:30P T WY 111 Fierman W 12 8 0 TOPIC : Post-Soviet Central Asia: Identity, Demography, Language and Social Issues Above class open to graduates only Above class consent of instructor is required before enrolling; write to Above class meets with POLS-Y 657 VT: CONTEMP CENTRAL ASIAN SOURCES 28885 04:00P-05:15P M GB 333 Fierman W 10 7 0 01:00P-02:15P R GB 333 Fierman W TOPIC : Seminar in Contemporary Central Asian Sources (Uzbek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz or Russian) R 529 : P - Consent of instructor is required; write to Students must be enrolled in or have completed advanced level Uzbek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, or Russian VT: ARCHAEOLOGY OF CENTRAL ASIA CLSD 30533 01:00P-03:15P MW AN 101 Pyburn K 2 0 0 TOPIC : Archaeology of Central Asia Above class meets first eight weeks only Above class meets with CEUS-R 529, ANTH-P 399 and ANTH- P 600